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The halo effect

What is the halo effect? 
The halo effect is a kind of cognitive bias, that make one part of someone seems more attractive or desirable. This concept can be applied to people, product, brand, business etc. 
The halo effect can also be seen as the final judgment of someone towards a person, product, brand, business etc. by their first impression without serious information.
For example, if John is working in an office where you work; and you see John as creative guy and someone ask you, "please, do you know someone who can decorate my room?". You will simply recommend John because you think that John is creative. From the above example, you choose John not because you have actually investigated if John can actually decorate a room,  but because you feel that John is creative and could be able to decorate a room. 
The halo effect usually refers to when the judgment of the behavior is positive, otherwise if negative it is refer to as "horn effect"

How halo effect affects people?
You know this proverb "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"; this saying means that there is no beauty without observers. And so, we will be discussing about how halo effect affect people both positively and negatively. 
The positive affection of halo effect is:
  1. You will become the centre of attraction and attention.
  2. It provides measures of good health, good genes, intelligence and success.
  3. Never be rejected by people.
  4. The blessings of helping people. 
The negative affection of halo effect is:
  1. You will be the centre of jealousy 
  2. It is hard to find a mate
Halo effect on the dead 
Just as halo is used on the living so it occurs to the dead also. For the dead, halo effect is simply just saying the good deed of a person when he was alive. 
For example, when Michael Jackson was alive the public sees him as a child molester and sex offender, but after his death, people started taking about his success and now his bad image (horn effect) has now been reduced.


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